Saturday, August 11, 2012


I've been waiting for a picky eater because I've never met anyone as picky as me, and I figured I probably deserve it.  Ha!  I now introduce you to the worlds pickiest eater.  It's been such a struggle in the last month or so to find food she'll eat.  I can always count on oatmeal and fruit but those are the only things she consistently eats.  Everything else she spits out after 2 bites.  I made PB&J the other day and she was in heaven.  Today's been a long day, she's sick and teething so she hasn't been happy and I've done anything to try to keep her comfortable... she's had PB&J for lunch and dinner today.

1 comment:

Celeste Caldwell said...

Yeah coming from a Mom who LOVES cheese, bread and ice cream...did ya try feeding her that stuff..hahaha!! Picky eaters are the WORST!!! Meal time at my house is like pulling teeth and brings the devil out of me..LOL! Good luck my friend!!